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About Us

Zenkalli Market started as a hope for community through sharing in an online space. I’ve always wanted to share my ideas through different avenues, and if someone would have told me I’d be a content creator when I was younger, I would have probably just laughed in disbelief. Yet, writing in particular has always been one of my dreams. To be like Shakespeare, and live forever through the verses of my writing. At the same time, I have faced writers block for quite some years. Most likely because of my self-esteem and self-worth. So this is a project I continue to birth, transcend, and rebirth again. It’s an evolution of my existence and a representation of living through art. Yes, one goal is to be financially stable, but by doing it in a meaningful and healing way that not only can create income for me and my family but also provide my audience with insights, hope, and if possible, offer financial assistance for Indigenous youth seeking higher education.

– Tonalmitl Valencia
